Para conseguirlos todos es necesario transferir a estos 11 desde la otra edición azul o roja. También aparecen un total de Pokémon del 1 al Compatible con Game Boy Printer. Small buff to first Rocket encounter in hard mode. Removed Pikachu from wild encounters. Yelow that are not available in fire red will be show as caught in leaf green when transfering to other Pokemon slot machines yellow.

You can buy the light ball. Bug Fixes: Fixed the move deleter. Fixed nuzlocke mode not reviving your pokémon after the league. Fixed legendaries not getting registered in the Pokédex.
Fixed seafoam islands. Fixed trading with Pokémon Firered and Leafgreen.
Fixed Pokemon slot machines yellow Printer. Smaller bug Pokemon slot machines yellow Text overflow fixes Bill is referenced instead of Lanette Fixed field moves Fixed graphical issues in the party menu Pokéblock Case name tweaks Fixed arcanine follower sprite Fixed typo in Psych move type Fixed typos oPkemon some dialogues More decapitalization work Fixed Raticate follower sprite Cleanup for the Pokédex, should yelloa more bugs in the future Fixed graphical issues in the Pokemon slot machines yellow screen Fixed summary screen bugs Fixed bike musing being the hoenn one Slowbro says Mega Punch instead or punch Vermilion City sells Super Lure now Fixed item descriptions for some berries Fixed cut tree in Cerulean City Game corner music is slof the Kanto one Fixed shop ui bugs, it properly supports TM shops now Fixed bug fixes with the Elite 4 and Champion mugshot intros Credits now play the proper Kanto song Fixed small issue with nuzlocke when giving Pokémon, could be Free wheel of fortune slot machines online with the free Magikarp Fixed graphical issues with the key item wheel.
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Versión 1. Changes: Plenty Pokemon slot machines yellow NPC graphics added, this will make npcs in the overworld reflect their trainer pics more accurately. Pokémon icons up to Xatu finished, still a lot of them to do. Uncensored Gambler trainer class and its texts.
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Better dialogues for the policeman for the Squirtle event Bug fixes: Lots of fixes to linking sprites, thanks Hyo for the bug report and sprite improvements! Untested: Pokemon slot machines yellow fix camera in the first rocket encounter, couldnt reproduce it but added some safety checks.
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