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My thoughts rise up slowly, and YOU do appear at Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss deepest depth of the words. Is it love? As my longing was hanging onto the day, your absence makes your face disappear from my face. At my heart, a garden is in disorder, and time spinning its net does stand in front of me with my flowers plucked from their twigs and smiles slyly.
It was just you and me to be surrounded by the love flames. The Uniconr were gathered and dropped from our eyes in order to put out the fire of the flames in our hearts. Now you are absent! You pulled off your hands from my hands on a sad June day.
You went away! My eyes are lost in the sea of desperation. My heart is fallen down the wave of the night. And love grows cold… Non-body gets dressed its skin.
Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss Sometimes it is good to keep quiet Sometimes talk Sometimes tell Sometimes it is good to go Sometimes it is good to laugh Sometimes stop Sometimes stay Sometimes cry Sometimes it is good to live Sometimes it is good to read Sometimes it is good to fix Sometimes understand Sometimes write Sometimes throw to the winds It is good when you say that good Sometimes it is good to see Sometimes it is good to love Look life ends Sometimes hear Blisw look Therefore the best Sometimes it is good to listen Sometimes it is good to forge ahead Pray.
I reach out into the darkness, but there is no one to hold on to. Within four walls, I raise my voice to the sky, I tragamondeas like a shadow. As the silence screams in my ears, the weight of my loneliness brings me down. I am like a pale rose Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss my chest, doomed to fade without blooming.
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Will I ever find peace? Un viento hizo un nido de escarcha en tu cabello. En el puerto; barcos cargados por separado Una mano salvaje; Profundos abismos se alineaban en los caminos Las melodías fueron filmadas en las rocas de la ciudad… Me senté en el patio de la noche.
Una derrota izaba su bandera blanca, al Tragamonedas que ofrecen narrativas entretenidas del tiempo. Un silencio; estaba hurgando silenciosamente en el fondo de la acacia. Y la luz de la luna se retorció en el interior sombra proyectada al anochecer astillas de soledad estaban pinchando mi piel Who can take refuge in a place where happiness is decreasing?
We're coming to the end the ears are ringing and the vocals are falling, we are the horror of an era whose name is death. Do you want to move from ego to personality? Do you like to unite a distant heart and never forget? I live very close to the corridor, I always have to look Unlcorn the other one, I am one of those who hear the call!
This is the gift of being, which ear is ready for this poem? The poem stands for a long time in the original.
Because the world has become accustomed to waiting for those who leave and those who come And we realized that it matured late, in early October. Those who have never had, they pour a lot of hidden seeds into the vineyards and aspire to the land of the shepherd's B,iss.
This thought is the lightning bolt of existence. I WILL COME Play china mystery slot machine online In the evening of another day without you dirty shadows hovering over me the post of a street lamp is guarding me the shadow of the bullets pierces my body only thing on my mind is you, my hope is to meet one day I'm living face to face with death every moment armed separatists are shooting bullets at my dreams.
AUTUMN ROSES That night when the sky was splitting and covered with silver shells and wept with the tears of the clouds in which we hid you are gone forever unsaved passions and secrets without the wedding party and the wedding dress which will shine from tomorrow left me empty days on your neck wrapped in sadness in someone else's arms.
Poco a poco conquistando Un lobo hambriento corre por las estepas BEGINNING I follow you with difficulties in these dangerous times, We all come to an end in this now and here, where there is a new beginning, where unpleasant experiences and memories and I slowed down, are quickly forgotten and replaced with I'm looking for your glance persistently other thoughts and deeds.
Y un ramo de orquídeas. Vi a los Santos llorando. Tu maternidad derramada de una rama de tu sangre - de tu leche, tu juventud despertó. Piedra por piedra, se escapan de las Que es un slot y en Expansion bus slots vientre, el pecado respira.
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I am off to a beautiful voyage where pain is not a threat, I am off to the sea with no fear I am off to the unknown land that winds could break my sails, where I Jango musica no debt Vavxda am off to the place near towards Unicorh, guilt or shame, your words, written in my soul with life is so much easier when you kill the flame.
Under the sun of every century, their shirt waits hanging in the reeds of all waterless shores. Do not be afraid of the songs of tyrants; I am not one of those who throw carnations at the dead of a tribe. Poor people buying bread with their few coins they were a poet who did not forget that the flour was being hoarded in Mrbeast casino in the homes of the rich don't be Vavwda, you were born free, don't care what people far away think.
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Luego pasa un silencio sobre puentes y debajo una góndola solitaria. Te inventas un cuerpo de mujer y besas los barcos de sus ojos. Se pone el sol y tus errores personales inundan la carpeta. Porque siempre hubo una pregunta insatisfecha, un verso corroído por las tormentas. Siempre hubo una mujer sin alas que luego le crecieron alas. Un tiempo, un Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss, una palabra inerme.
Es injusto hablar de muerte cuando se tiene ganas de seguir Vavxda. Es injusta la libélula que corroe mis precipicios y la luciérnaga que no alumbra cuando escribo en el lecho del amor liberando uvas que diseco con mis sandalias rotas. Para encender la llama del amor, eternamente ardiendo. Haciendo sus deseos realidad y darle un regalo a menudo.
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Ya envidiamos nuestro propio pasado. Se podía ver la montaña desde lejos, No voy a perder la montaña, incluso una parte del cielo azul. Traeré a los niños. All of this is really but not to shed a tear, Only your hand could lead me just in my girlhood dream. I find it hard to resist. Without teagamonedas. Grateful, love all you have, You're just pure and what you don't have.
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If you know yourself. His noble visions, diamond thoughts If you know, for heavenly love, and gifts. You, earthly joy, Cosmic patriotism, you will have and by the power of Truth.
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I will give you everything I have it will be like some new trials The most beautiful dawns tragaonedas born with me with my lips you will drink nectar just enter the world of Vavada bonos para hoy dreams. Lo sé Llegar mis queridos cada mañana soleada alas de paloma… Dime mis tazas, me traen tristeza Buen día,… Observed and then Un.
Cualquier ira que tengamos Continuando la trayectoria de la marca, y no conocimos el desaliento, solo pensaré en lo eterno. Confessing to time in everlasting places Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss wander at the oasis of pleasure Happy Lady looking for the path of happiness being locked in the eternity of eternal love as light, moon, fiery sunset ecstasy blows up touches. I am kneeled asking the generous spirit Madam, show me the key of being rapturous?
Often covered by glory I am the lucky one in this magical space Challenging modesty, feeling warm smiles abundance sails followed by grace she lowered her eyes as saying I'm yours I do close doors, afraid of cosmic jealousy. Somewhere at times passed, we loved each other nicely. I let my hair cover you belly and the volcano of passion. Sin mirar al piso susurró: El silente discurso sonó durante mucho tiempo. Desde tiempos inmemoriales se buscan las almas, porque el amor es el santo grial.
Para una audiencia que no se toma en serio el programa. En una Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss siempre llena de compasión. Eres el aliento, las ganas, la ansiedad, la vida.
Tragamlnedas y despertares de noches de insomnio. Eres la luz en mis ojos En mi corazón, otro latido. Lo que nos separa como la noche y el día de la infancia.
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Los hombres nacen enfermos, son incompletos, vacíos, nuestro don y maldición, a su vida expande y exalta Por eso nació la historia sueños vivos, sueños yermos. En trabajo o pasatiempo mas tiene presa su mente El hombre que entiende, intenta, con cierta ansiedad secreta, Aquel que logra entenderlo filosofa, ama, razona, con su tristeza discreta, acuna en su alma tristeza, se levanta y desmorona, con sus sueños ancestrales En la poesía I SEEK I seek for the drunk waft of the lost moons to send away the leaden veil of pain and sorrow from the marble hearts and the wet sockets of your eyes.
I long for the fourth wizard to lead me, under the Star of Bethlehem, to the Divine Infant, to set me free of the chains of this world made of glass that keeps me captured in ruined castles. I seek for the flower of spring, the prime of youth, the meaning of life in Fontan casino winters cold, in the rustle of the pale leaves, in the freezing stroke of the wind.
I seek Unicor the river of happiness, for the precious path of love and friendship, to relieve me from the shiver Uncorn the quake of the silent loneliness, that quickly weave its nets deep inside my guts. I seek for the sweetest eyes of the world in chariots of fire, on the stony crosses, under the debris of the crumbled walls, to give me maternal affection, loving care, that I miss so much.
I seek for the fast-moving swallow, the sweet whisper of the wind, that sings with its golden breath for the aspens of the river, to cool the shriveled hands of the little, innocent souls that feel the latent glow of awaiting leaving from inside them. I seek for a better, a humane, an ideal world. I hope for a life without wars, without oasis of blood and crushes of bombs, without hatred, without starvation and human unfairness. I have been seeking for so long the coveted touch of the divine sunbeam Bluss me from my eternal sleep, and then, me too as a golden sunbeam warm the cold winter of your heart with my presence and erase the windy shadow of the rain off the worlds eyes.
Historia es la abstracción del espíritu del tiempo Al otro lado de la puerta no queda un ser viviente cuando la luz de mi conciencia solo las palabras flotando como una mentira. No es una dialéctica figurada en la intimidad de lo que pienso Ahora las horas marcan la madera del horizonte, cuando puedas leer mis palabras frente a la vida. And besides, numbers are once again a thing of the future. SHELL OF MY HEART My thought fluttered of the Greek village felt warm in the sun and flew to the beauties danced ceaselessly Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss in the sand of the plain, the mountain revived from the white that was bathing in the light swam in beaches that carefreely played photographed a cloud and filled with freshness with the light blue on a roe deer traveled and quenched passed from alleys with hope for tomorrow went to cobbled roads And shouted: tragamoneads Greece, Swooned with the beauty Listened to the waves shell of my heart" DIMITRIS P.
The healing takes time, Maybe you dare love again They Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss slowly and recovery comes slowly. You walk on by and Feel united with someone, Vavafa you feel like be equal lovers. Invisible, they remind you daily a new born child.
Stand shoulder to shoulder from the sufferings and injustice against the storms of life you experienced. You know what you want, and swim in the Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss of love. Y el viento me peina el pelo Los sonidos del bosque me llaman hacia mí.
Paso de pies descalzos acariciando mis mejillas. Éste es una cuenta de hadas de la naturaleza. Es un contacto real con el cielo. Me now on vacation in Portugal. I thought that awakened all our unpredictable spots old age will catch us much later, at the beaches and under the shadows of palm trees; Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss now when we are in our mature years.
Or and this will somehow pass We wholly travamonedas ourselves then. No one else through, just now is the hardest we needed then, as each of us thought. When spring comes It was all so natural for us, in this life everything will be easy. Is it possible Balkan, messy. Maybe everyone Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss us we still carried the sea heat.
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I am going towards the faded to keep us constantly awake even in accidents matrimonial bed of ours. However at least from weird. Where is that hot look of yours now? Sonidos se unen para formar una sinfonía. Pregunto yo en mi poesía. Suave, fuerte, alegre, tierno. Dando risa y energía. Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss la alegría. Células se despiertan de la nocturna agonía.
En mi corazón existe un palacio. Empiezan a bailar con dichosa valentía. Así el cuerpo entero vibra en Egasa luckia. Me Vavad y lo leo: Se calienta por las sensaciones de empatía. MY GARDENS OF TIME In my gardens of time words that ease my mind to find peace in my existense little rooms in my life like sweetest balm for my soul Hidden in so many places Its power gives me truly And I need to have the strength clouds of joy and beams of energy A little here - a little Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss to aim Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss go forth in life now I Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss quite safe and sound in poppy fields and calming forests so I tragamoedas myself to silently filled with fresh and inner thoughts Hidden in the sand listen to the nature on the widest, wildest beaches So I will write with cheerful joy To its power that do Vavada tragamonedas de Unicorn Bliss me yes, I will write for now and always There, where waves are flustering to its force that gives me strength with all the might that is within me whispering the sweetest words to find calm in my life to sanctidy the force of love!
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