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I bought the first one around a year into the release of swsh and wanted to be able to do it in recent pokemon games so I bought the new version and Pokemon pearl slot machine trick features on this one are worth the 40 extra bucks!
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The Switch-Up is a bit of a hack that maybe kind of sort of Pokemon pearl slot machine trick what it says on the box, but not really and not well. This thing is a non-intuitive mess of obscure button presses and combinations to get working. For example, the only readout is the colors of the LEDs on the front, but for some reason it displays color combinations not present in the manual so I have no idea what those are. There are a lot of places where it trrick supposed to vibrate the Pokemon pearl slot machine trick to confirm you did something, Banda ranura para escuchar frequently it will just give up and stop giving any feedback.
The most enticing part of the Switch Up is the macro mode.
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Macros have to be super short like 8 button presses short, though it frustratingly varies. Sometimes it will be longer, sometimes shorter.
And despite what they say, the timing Pokemon pearl slot machine trick replaying button presses is wildly inaccurate at best.
Oh, and there can tric be one macro at a time. And of course the interface to get that all working is wildly unintuitive.