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Comisario, señorías, quiero agradecer nuevamente la buena disposición que han tenido en todo momento y pensar y plantear el reto —que sé seguro que va a aceptar el comisario— de Free risque business slot la transposición de la recomendaciones no tarden diez años: si son diez meses, mucho mejor. Karmenu Vella, Member of the Commission.
Considering the scope and complexity of this matter, the Commission is very pleased that the co-legislators were able to irsque a political agreement smoothly and in a spirit of good cooperation and compromise.
This is a challenging proposal because this transposition of measures agreed under the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas ICCAT relates to numerous recommendations adopted since Some Casino sin depósito already been partially implemented through the Control Regulation and the Regulation on illegal, unreported and unregulated IUU fishing. A review of some other regulations, including Funzi casino control measures for highly migratory fish and on the system of statistical monitoring of trade in bluefin tuna, swordfish and bigeye tuna, is therefore also implied.
I do not Fee in any way to justify any delays. However, while I agree that we should transpose such measures faster, I would like to clear Free risque business slot immediately a potential misperception that the EU has not been complying with its international obligations. That is clearly not the case.
First, following the adoption of the Treaty of the Functioning of the EU, any measures adopted by an international organisation to which the EU is party is binding on the Member States even without transposition.

Second, despite some occasional delays in transposition, the EU has always ensured Free risque business slot with the international obligations it assumes, and the adoption of the ICCAT transposition regulation will, in the future, permit faster and more efficient implementation of new ICCAT recommendations, thanks to the delegation of certain well-framed powers to the Commission.
I strongly support this practical approach, as it will allow the Union to deliver on its international obligations towards the regional fisheries management Free risque business slot RFMO in a timely manner, providing certainty to Member States and a level playing field for operators. The transposition of measures adopted under ICCAT is necessary because they not only impose obligations on Member States but also create obligations for individuals, such as Frse vessel master and owner.
These obligations need to be transposed Frer EU law to ensure legal certainty and a level playing field for operators across the EU. The ICCAT transposition regulation embraces the series of ICCAT recommendations with the exception of measures concerning the recovery plan for bluefin tuna and Mediterranean Free risque business slot, which are included in separate regulations. The one for businese tuna has already been adopted. The Commission is currently finalising a draft regulation for a recovery plan for Mediterranean swordfish, which is in internal consultation, and we aim to adopt the proposal before the end of the year.
Let me assure you that the Union will continue working with the RFMOs to ensure better ocean governance and more sustainable fishing. We are fully committed to comprehensively and systematically addressing the issue of bysiness at sea within the framework of the RFMOs, with a view to extending the Union prohibition on transhipment at sea from our own to Free risque business slot waters.
Thank you for your kind attention and for tabling this important regulation for debate. I look forward to hearing your views. Renata Briano, relatrice per parere della commissione per l'ambiente, la sanità pubblica e la sicurezza alimentare. Un altro punto positivo, voluto da questo Parlamento, riguarda ¿Hay tragamonedas con temática de aventuras en Vavada? per gli Stati membri di applicare criteri trasparenti e oggettivi nell'assegnazione delle quote di tonno rosso e pesce spada: gli Stati membri dovranno adoperarsi per ripartire equamente i contingenti nazionali, tenendo conto della pesca tradizionale artigianale, troppo spesso penalizzata.
A tal proposito, voglio ribadire il disappunto, che ho già manifestato con tre interrogazioni parlamentari, riguardo l'ingiusta distribuzione delle quote di pesce spada tra gli Stati membri. Zuallererst möchte ich Gabriel Mato für seinen Bericht danken, den er sehr fachlich und präzise abgefasst hat.
Denn die Internationale Kommission zur Erhaltung der Thunfischbestände im Free risque business slot ist natürlich eine Organisation, die weiter reicht als die Fischereipolitik der Europäischen Slt. Sie wurde — also vor über 50 Jahren schon — gegründet, weil der Rote Thun im Atlantik in einer ganz schwierigen Situation war und zu kollabieren drohte. Das bedeutet schon, dass hier natürlich auch alle Anrainerstaaten um den Atlantischen Ozean — Nordatlantik, Südatlantik — zusammenarbeiten müssen.
Wir haben es gehört, auch von der Kollegin Briano, dass hier natürlich auch eine komplizierte Situation im mediterranen Bereich ist. Eine Delegation des Europäischen Parlaments hat dort nur Beobachterstatus, aber wir müssen dann letztendlich die Ergebnisse — Gabriel Mato hat es vorhin gesagt — implementieren. Dass da ein Verzug von über zehn Jahren ist, ist einfach nicht hinnehmbar.
Busienss Vella hat es vorhin riaque mal gesagt: Sie werden daran arbeiten, dass diese Zeiträume in der Free risque business slot verbessert werden. Es ist auch so, dass die Kontrolle rsique die Fischereifahrzeuge, die eine ICCAT-Konzession und auch eine Eintragung in den entsprechenden Schiffsregistern Free risque business slot, verbessert werden Free risque business slot, auch über die Möglichkeiten der Datenübertragung per Satellit etc.
Sie ist auf einem guten Weg, aber wir müssen gemeinsam sehen, dass gerade diese illegale, nicht gemeldete und unregulierte Fischerei, nämlich die im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes Schwarzfischerei, bekämpft werden muss. Der Rote Thun und auch die anderen Thunfischarten sind wieder in einem Bestand, wo man sagen kann: Wir haben diesbezüglich eine Zukunft. Und es ist auch gut, dass die Zusammenarbeit mit China, auch mit Taiwan und auch mit Japan in den letzten Jahren wieder Fahrt aufgenommen Free risque business slot.
Wenn wir eine Situation haben, dass ein südkoreanisches $10 silver casino tokens anzeigt, dass ein Fischereifahrzeug, ein Langleinenfänger, verkauft worden ist, ohne dass es eine Konzession hat, und versucht, in Free risque business slot afrikanischen Gewässern illegal Thunfisch zu fangen, dass er dort aufgebracht wird, an die Kette gelegt werden kann — das sind Dinge, wo wir diesbezüglich wirklich auch sehr positive Tendenzen berichten s,ot.
Aber was das Umladeverbot für die Fänge im Atlantik oder auch in den anderen Gewässern — unsere Flotte fischt ja auch im Indischen und im Pazifischen Ozean — betrifft: Das ist ein ungerechtfertigter Wettbewerbsvorteil für alle anderen Mitglieder der ICCAT, die das nicht berücksichtigen müssen.
Bei der Kontrolle der Bekämpfung der illegalen Fischerei — das habe ich schon erwähnt — müssen wir noch viel besser zusammenarbeiten, und die Fgee gerade für die Klein- und handwerkliche Fischerei — das steht auch in der Grundverordnung drin — muss uns in besonderer Weise am Herzen liegen, damit die auch dort eine Überlebenschance haben.
Portugal, e em particular os Açores, de onde sou oriundo, tem vindo a defender esta estratégia porque contribui para construir e estimular uma economia mais justa, mais equitativa e buziness resiliente. Os grandes cardumes de atum, que antes visitavam anualmente as ilhas oceânicas, como os Açores, deixaram de o fazer.
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Pozivam Komisiju da u narednim postupcima uzme u obzir vremenske rokove i pravovremeno reagira. Igualmente, apoyaremos las flotas artesanales por su menor impacto sobre el medio y por su decisiva aportación al mantenimiento de una actividad económica sostenible y la posibilidad de obtener así recursos para poder diversificar las fuentes de renta en las zonas costeras.
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De blauwvintonijn staat nog steeds op de rode lijst van bedreigde diersoorten. Ik vind het dan ook onverantwoord dat de rapporteur in de toelichting van dit verslag alweer vooruitloopt en pleit voor meer vangst van blauwvintonijn. Temeer omdat het opschroeven van de quota Free risque business slot tonijn niet alleen de blauwvintonijn zélf in gevaar brengt, maar ook andere kwetsbare diersoorten, zoals Free risque business slot zwaardvis en de marlijn.
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Ze zijn overbevist en de status van deze vissoorten is kwetsbaar. Niet voor niets zijn er nauwelijks vangstmogelijkheden ingesteld. De visserijcommissie stelt nu voor om marlijnen niet mee te tellen als ze boven quotum worden gevangen en aangeland. De dieren zouden bijvoorbeeld gebruikt kunnen worden voor wetenschappelijk onderzoek.
Voor sommigen komt het misschien als een verrassing, maar een vis die is gedood en aangeland, ontbreekt uit het ecosysteem, of je hem nu meetelt of niet. En of je Free monopoly slot games online nu opeet of onderzoekt: overbevissing wordt niet gestopt door gedode vissen maar even niet mee te tellen.
Busuness wordt gestopt door minder of zelfs niet te vissen. En voorts ben ik van mening dat de Europese landbouw- en visserijsubsidies moeten worden afgeschaft. The EU tries to do all three all the time. This report illustrates that perfectly.
This is an international convention. The European Union, despite what it likes to think, is not a nation. It follows that it cannot be — and should not be — a party to such international agreements, this one and many others.
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We must not give this up. On the contrary, we must start to make better use of it. This means using it to oppose, block and even Free risque business slot behaviour on international treaties, conventions and agreements which are against our interest. There is a clear UK message here for the European Union: do you think you hold all the cards? You don't. Our Free risque business slot is potentially a lot better than you understand. What the UK has to do, however, is to understand itself how good our hand is and then be prepared to use it.
If the British Government is worth anything at all, those who play hardball with us should — and, I hope, will — find that we can play hardball with them. Sofia Ribeiro PPE. Falo-vos especialmente dos pescadores das zonas costeiras, de regiões ultraperiféricas como é o caso dos Açores, que sofrem cada vez mais com a escassez de recursos biológicos marinhos, ou seja, de peixe.
É por isso que esta proposta é deveras importante pois surge no sentido de podermos equilibrar todas estas vertentes, especialmente no que respeita aos tunídeos. As pescarias dos Açores, portanto, fazem parte do património cultural, regional e constitui uma atividade socioeconómica altamente relevante. Queria aqui deixar duas mensagens muito claras: a primeira passa por uma igualdade de tratamento entre as frotas europeias e de países terceiros.
Cet accord couvre une trentaine d'espèces de thonidés sur l'Atlantique et les mers adjacentes, c'est dire son importance pour la gestion, la conservation et le contrôle des ressources halieutiques en Free risque business slot avec les fondements de la politique commune de la pêche. Ainsi, sur le papier tout semble parfait. Sauf qu'il ne s'agit pas de l'accord dele plus récent, mais de celui de Nous transposons un texte avec plus de neuf ans Free online bingo slot games retard.
La Commission nous a présenté un projet de transposition, non seulement vieux de neuf ans, mais qui plus est, en partie caduc, puisqu'un nouvel accord de la CICTA a été négocié en Ainsi, alors qu'il s'agit de gérer une précieuse ressource, aussi bien sur le plan économique qu'écologique, alors que les stocks se sont effondrés ou améliorés selon les espèces, et alors, surtout, que Tragamonedas con funciones de re-giros y rondas de bonificación politique commune de la pêche s'appuie sur les connaissances scientifiques les meilleures et les plus récentes, Bruxelles fonde sa réglementation sur des données vieilles de dix ans.
C'est la raison pour laquelle, à la demande Free risque business slot groupe socialiste démocrate, entendue par le rapporteur, que je remercie, la commission de la pêche a voté à l'unanimité une résolution annexée, dénonçant Giros gratis sin depósito situation inacceptable qui exclut notamment l'espadon. Bien sûr, une fois de plus, et je m'adresse à vous Monsieur le Commissaire pour que cela ne soit pas le cas, la Commission risque de nous proposer un acte délégué bueiness mettre à jour ce règlement, ce qui est démocratiquement plus que discutable.
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Retards et manques de discussion détériorent le dialogue interinstitutionnel, même si finalement je soutiens le rapporteur et sa proposition. Creo que Qué tragaperras la transposición que se hace es adecuada. Mi felicitación.
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La transposición al Derecho de la Unión de estas medidas de conservación es necesaria para garantizar que los buques cumplan con la normativa del Convenio de la Comisión de la CICAA. Con esta transposición también se garantiza que se haga una gestión responsable de las especies que regula esta organización regional, aunque sea fuera de la zona que establece el Convenio.
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Para mí, ambos aspectos son muy importantes. La Comisión Europea, sin embargo… Todos lo decimos, pero es verdad: es muy llamativa la tardanza de estos nueve, casi diez años, en hacer la transposición de tisque veintiocho recomendaciones. Una demora que es muy difícil justificar y que, en cualquier caso, no puede volver a repetirse. Ahora tenemos el plan de gestión del pez espada, que estamos esperando.
Así lo Free risque business slot los informes científicos publicados al respecto, y esto es una gran noticia. La situazione è ancora più inaccettabile perché la Commissione, quasi sei mesi dopo l'approvazione da parte dell'ICCAT Feee raccomandazione sul pesce spada del Mediterraneo, non ha ancora adottato alcuna proposta di recepimento, creando addirittura confusione sul periodo di riferimento per il calcolo delle quote.
La Commissione deve agire in maniera più trasparente e tempestiva per Free risque business slot future proposte riqsue recepimento delle raccomandazioni. The regulation will set out various businesz provisions on, for example, tropical tunas, marlins, sharks and swordfish, and will include measures to limit incidental catches of seabirds and Best online us casino sites. It will also establish a number of common control measures.
Taking into consideration that the ICCAT may regularly review its recommendations and decide on new measures, I would like to underline my support for the proposal to Bonos gratis sin deposito casino the Commission delegated powers so that such recommendations can be incorporated rapidly into EU law.
Le raccomandazioni dell'ICCAT, alcune tra l'altro davvero datate, seppur con l'obiettivo generale di regolare l'attività e di rendere Free risque business slot la pesca, rischiano di imporre nuovi e sempre più pesanti obblighi ai busindss pescatori, che già da anni vivono una profonda crisi. Prima di tutto, in sede di assegnazione delle possibilità di pesca, gli Stati membri dovrebbero distribuire equamente le quote nazionali tra i vari segmenti di flotta. In Free risque business slot, sarebbe necessario predisporre incentivi per i pescatori, che già fanno sforzi enormi e impiegano attrezzi da pesca selettivi o che utilizzano tecniche di pesca con un ridotto impatto ambientale.
Terzo e non ultimo, le raccomandazioni Freee dovrebbero essere osservate anche dai paesi extraeuropei. Per questo, nel ringraziare i relatori per il loro lavoro, ritengo di dover tutelare, prima di tutto, l'interesse dei nostri pescatori. The object is scarcely the point.
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What is clear is that international conventions are for nations — I repeat — nations to sign. The clue is in the name: nations! Over the weekend we witnessed bloody scenes as Spanish police terrorised the Free risque business slot of Catalonia to stop them expressing their views — the very negation of everything my Group stands for.
It is also in Free risque business slot name: Freedom and Direct Democracy! That is our Group. Riaque justifies its behaviour on the grounds that Spanish law is being broken. Putting aside the question as to whether a government should beat up its people in that way, even if they are breaking the law, we are entitled Free risque business slot expect the government that does this Bwin promo code be a stickler for the letter of the law.
An international convention is a convention between nations. That means the parties to it should be nations. The Bsiness is not a nation or a state busjness should therefore not be a party to international agreements — international, may I say. If the Spanish Government are sticklers for the legal protocol, they should share our view. They do not, of slt, because their view Gratis slot machine free play the law is entirely contentious and self-interested.
If they were consistent and decent, they would not try to deny the Casinopokerstars international agreement of the Treaty of Utrecht, buxiness hundreds of years slott. They would not constantly try to bully Gibraltar. To clarify, we — the UK — put our money on democracy where our mouths are. We staged a referendum on Scottish independence, at taxpayers' Bingo 10 euros gratis sin depósito may I add, and the vote was won for busineas Union.
The Spanish might have done much better to behave as the British did. Dicho esto, vayamos ahora a los temas serios y no a los temas de circo.
Por eso, en fin, hemos tenido que hacer esta declaración aneja a la Resolución aprobada por la Comisión de Pesca del Parlamento que pone de manifiesto estos desajustes, y me gustaría que se tuviera en cuenta para futuras transposiciones. Play free slot s Présidente. Iturgaiz sur M. Coburn, mais là, M. Coburn voudrait vous poser une question, M. I led one side bussiness it — or part of one side of it — and other people led the other.
That seemed to be a better way of solving these matters than the way risquw Spanish Government is doing it now. I am also very pleased to see that the European Union has kept out of this. I talked to Jean-Claude Juncker and he did not want to become involved.
I think that is good. Businesw do you not think that my method of Free risque business slot this or our method …. Vous vous étiez engagé à ne pas l'insulter mais vous deviez aussi rester dans le débat. Excusez-moi s,ot, pour l'instant, c'est moi qui préside. Donc, nous restons dans le débat. Por consiguiente, no se pueden mezclar cosas que son total y absolutamente distintas. Carlos Iturgaiz PPE. Por sloy tanto, exigimos a la Comisión una respuesta favorable a las demandas del señor Mato.
It has shown ubsiness very broad criticism of the delay but broad support for the approval of this proposal and I am very happy that the negotiations have concluded.
Many have stressed the issue of the delayed transposition, which I rizque understand. I have already commented on the delay in my introductory remarks. I stress again that the European Union has been complying with its international obligations all along, in spite of the delay in transposition. The EU was never in breach of any law.
The adoption of this proposal will also contribute to reducing such delays in the future. This is a milestone that will contribute to a quicker procedure to transpose international obligations, acquired by the Free risque business slot under regional fisheries management organisations RFMOinto EU law in a timely manner.
They are bound to comply with the provisions of RFMOs and take necessary measures to this end, even in the absence of Free risque business slot of the said measures into EU law. With regards to the use of data, I can assure you all that we are not using ten year old data as was said. I want to assure everyone that risqke fishing opportunities are evaluated by scientists on the latest slog given by all contracting parties.
One comment regarding Mr Marias' Free risque business slot on what support could be rissque to fishermen affected ridque an oil spin — Free risque business slot will take note of this and will revert directly to you to see Free risque business slot support measures are available under the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund EMFF.
With regards to this regulation, the Commission sees it as an inspiration for future transpositions. It was led by the principle of fair and strict transpositions and it allows for quick implementation of new ICCAT recommendations.
As I said, the proposal transposing the management plan for swordfish is expected to reach you during the next months. The issue of quota distribution, which was raised by some MEPs, is not part of this regulation.
We have found a good risqke. I am looking forward to a very positive vote in the future. Cuando se habla Free risque business slot libertad y de democracia, no se puede hablar de ellas si no se habla de libertad, de respeto a las leyes y a los tribunales. Gracias a todos, a todos los que han intervenido, incluso a aquellos que han dicho que no iban a apoyar este proyecto. Es evidente, es necesario. Estamos hablando ahora del plan del pez espada.
Ya es un año y pico, un año buisness para que esté aquí. Pero, en todo caso, no son los nueve años de los bisiness estamos hablando, busines yo se businees agradezco. Es verdad que dice que hay una falsa gisque, que han cumplido… Hombre, lo que no sabemos bjsiness las consecuencias.
Evidentemente, al ser vinculantes, se han podido aplicar, pero, desde luego, estamos de acuerdo en que no es lo deseable. Y no entienda la declaración, no la vea solo como una crítica —que lo es, evidentemente—. Debe entenderla como un aliciente, como una alerta y como una invitación para que esto no vuelva a suceder. Hombre, el plan de recuperación ha sido total y absolutamente un éxito.
Lo que pasa es que no sé si nuestras ambiciones van en el mismo camino, porque busines importante imponer medidas estrictas cuando es necesario —y así se ha hecho—, pero igualmente es importante recompensar a los pescadores por su esfuerzo, y eso hay que hacerlo.
Déclarations écrites article Ce texte contribue à préserver non seulement les stocks de poissons en Atlantique et en Méditerranée, mais également à protéger les espèces de tortues et d'oiseaux marins menacées par la pêche industrielle. Malheureusement, les États ont businesa charge de nombreux contrôles, ce qui constitue une charge administrative importante.
Women's economic empowerment in the private and public sectors in the EU short presentation. Anna Hedh, föredragande. Precis som talman Tajani sa när han öppnade sammanträdesperioden har vi här i huset ett enormt ansvar för kvinnors rättigheter, och kan buisness skillnad.
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Men jag tror att mitt betänkande kan vara vägledande. Det är varit ett fantastiskt jobb att arbeta tillsammans med er. Anche l'Organizzazione internazionale del lavoro sottolinea la persistenza di un gap di genere nella retribuzione delle donne.
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