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Contact me In-Game, Monstrum Providing: -All flying -startup gold if you want to buy heirlooms -Bags -Willing to run you for xmog -Willing to run Tank for instant dungeon que farming with full BoA gear for your carry pleasure You provide: -Purchase of WoW for yourself regular game includes up to mists, you do not need to buy wod at this point in time -2 months of in game time up front, preferably with gametime cards as credit cards you need to wait 2 months for rewards Best options for me are Kel'thuzad Alliance or Kil'jaeden Horde but willing to do any server with you.
Please contact me on Battlenet at Rexxinator I am doing this for RAF mounts and pets if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask :. Publicado por Landtuber Good afternoon everyone, I'm looking to recruit up to 4 people. Base Game now includes all expansions! I will be around to help level sporadically, but 010 cannot commit to leveling.
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