And it was precisely these words and thoughts that drove Galthen forward from the very beginning. The mysteries.
The things that others only softly scoffed at. He wanted to fathom these golden dreams himself. He wanted to bring light into the darkness.

Someone who is persistent in their search for the truth. Deeper and deeper he followed his breath, as he descended into ogld very foundation of his vocation and finally reached City of gold point where all thoughts ceased to exist.
Slowly, the mystery of the golden city began to unfold before him.

And just as he was about to open the gate, the inner voyage ended with a terrible bang. He lay covered in blood at the City of gold end of the hollow. Something had thrown him against the rock wall with a swish.
Galthen opened his City of gold. Fire and stone. Pain and astonishment at this sheer violence. A deafening scream rang out. A giant ape! An epic grey beast tried Cigy drive him out of the cave with vocal violence. And with any other intruder, he would probably have succeeded.
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City Of Gold
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Guardamos tus preferencias. Algo salió mal. Por favor, vuelve a intentarlo. City of Gold. The Archaeology of Polis Chrysochous, Cyprus.

Princeton University Art Museum. Bingham asks him if he has heard of any interesting ruins in the area.
And here the novel closes. Sabrina Janesch has written a magnificent adventure novel, fantastical and yet rooted in historical fact — a paean to the boundlessness of human curiosity. Sabrina Janesch cursó periodismo cultural en la Universidad de Hildesheim y estudios polacos en Coty Universidad Jagiellonian de Cracovia.
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