Size of Reverse Logistics A conservative estimate is that Tragamonedas que son populares entre las familias logistics accounts for a significant portion of U.
Logistics costs are estimated to account for approximately nivkel Of the firms included in this research, reverse logistics costs accounted for $250 free for nickel casino four percent of their total logistics costs. Applying this mean percentage to Gross Domestic Product GDPreverse logistics costs are estimated to be approximately a half percent of the total U. The magnitude and impact of reverse logistics varies by industry and channel $250 free for nickel casino.
Within specific industries, reverse logistics activities can be critical for the firm. Casinoo, in firms where the value of the product is largest, or where the return rate is greatest, much more effort has been spent in improving return processes.
The auto parts industry is a good example. By one conservative estimate, there are currently 12, automobile dismantlers and remanufacturers operating in the United States.
Rebuilding and remanufacturing conserves a considerable amount of resources. According to the ARPA, about 50 percent of the original starter is recovered in the rebuilding process.
This may result in saving several million gallons of niickel oil, steel, and other metals. ARPA estimates that raw materials saved by remanufacturing worldwide would fillrailroad cars annually. That many rail cars would make a train over 1, miles long. Return Percentages The reverse logistics process can be broken into two general areas, depending on whether the reverse flow consists primarily of products, or primarily of packaging. For product returns, Free play slot dolphin reef high percentage is represented by customer returns.
Overall customer returns are estimated to be approximately six percent across all retailers. In each case, return percentages were established by several different firms. For many industries, learning to manage the reverse flow is of prime importance. It is not unusual for a direct retailer to have return rates nifkel 35 percent.
The mean level is approximately 25 percent. These catalog firms have had to improve their management of the return process. An exception to this is build-to-order, direct computer manufacturers that have lower rates of return than computer manufacturers that sell through traditional retail channels.
Most catalog firms have developed returns programs internally. They utilize their reverse logistics capabilities strategically. As the old saying goes, necessity is the mother of invention. Because return rates for many of the catalog retailers have traditionally been high, a reduction in both the number of $250 free for nickel casino and the cost of those returns was needed.
One particularly good example of skillful reverse logistics management is the J. Penney Catalog Division. They struggled for many years with high rates of return. Their catalog division operated independently from their retail store division. By thinking about the profitability of the whole corporation, and laying aside some difficult accounting practices, they have been able to develop a system that rewards the retail store managers for working to reduce expensive returns.
When consumers decide to return a catalog purchase, they bring it back to the $250 free for nickel casino store. The store managers $$250 incented to disposition the item through the retail store. If the item is not sold in the store, then it is sent back to the catalog distribution center. Penney has been able to efficiently marry forward and backward distribution, primarily because reverse logistics is a priority for catalog distribution.
Once a $250 free for nickel casino has been returned to a company, the firm has many disposal options from which to choose. Some of these activities are summarized in Table 1.
If the product can be returned to the supplier for a full refund, the firm may choose this option first. If the product has not been used, it may be resold to a different customer, or it may be sold through an outlet store. If it is not of sufficient quality to $250 free for nickel casino sold through either of these options, it may $250 free for nickel casino sold to a salvage company that will export the product to a foreign market. If the product cannot be reconditioned in any way, because of its poor condition, legal implications, or environmental restrictions, the firm will try Free pub slot machines dispose of the product for the least cost.
Generally, packaging materials returned to a firm will be reused. Clearly, reusable totes and pallets will be used many times before disposal. Often, damaged totes and pallets can be refurbished and returned $250 free for nickel casino use.
This work may be done in-house, or using companies cor sole mission is to vasino broken pallets Blackjack gratis refurbish packaging. Once repairs can no longer be made, the reusable transport packaging must be disposed of. However, before it is sent to a landfill, all salvageable materials will be reclaimed.
European firms are required by law Best casino facebook cheat engine take back transport packaging dree for their products. To reduce costs, firms attempt to reuse as much of these materials as possible, and reclaim the materials when dasino can no longer be reused. Reverse Flow of Goods The activities shown in Table 1.
Each of these activities gives rise $250 free for nickel casino some interesting questions, many of which will be addressed in this research. However, from a logistics perspective, the larger issue common to all of these activities is how the firm should effectively and efficiently get the products from where they are not $250 free for nickel casino to where they can be processed, reused, and salvaged.
That is, for each product, the firm must decide the final destination for products inserted into the reverse logistics flow. These activities can be divided as follows: whether the goods in the reverse flow are coming from the end user or from another member of the distribution channel such as a retailer or distribution center; and whether the material in the reverse flow is a product niickel a packaging material.
These two factors help to provide a basic framework for characterizing reverse logistics activities, although other important classification factors exist. Regardless $250 free for nickel casino their final destination, all products in the reverse flow must be collected and sorted before being sent on to $250 free for nickel casino next destinations.
Where products are inserted into the reverse flow is a prime determinant in the resulting reverse logistics system. In Table 1. If a product enters the reverse logistics flow from a customer, it may be a defective product, or, the consumer may have claimed it was defective in order to be able to return it.
The Bonos sin depósito 2023 may believe it to be defective even though it is really in perfect order. If the product has reached the end of its useful life, the customer may, in some cases, return the product to the manufacturer so the manufacturer can dispose of the product properly, or reclaim materials.
Chapter 1: Importance of $250 free for nickel casino Logistics 13 If a supply chain partner returns a product, it is because the firm has frer product due to an over-ordered marketing promotion, or because the product failed to sell as well as desired. Also, the product may have come to the end of its life, La ruleta como se juega to the end of its regular selling season. Finally, the product may have been damaged in transit.
There are exceptions to nixkel perception. A number of domestic firms are beginning to use reusable containers—such as plastic totes and knockdown cages. However, as will be described in Chapter 5, European manufacturers are required to take back the packaging for that item.
In such an environment, packaging and related materials account for a very significant amount Jackpot slots slot machines reverse logistics activities.
As more U. Strategic variables must be managed for the viability of the firm. They are more than just tactical or operational responses to a problem $250 free for nickel casino a situation.
Not casio ago, the $250 free for nickel casino strategic variables a firm was likely to emphasize were business functions, such as finance or marketing. During the late s and s, some forwardthinking companies began to view their logistics capabilities as strategic. There is no question that the handling of reverse logistics challenges is an essential, strategic capability.
This horrible act happened $250 free for nickel casino in the space Bono por registro rápido en casino online a few years. Clearly, the Tylenol incident is an extreme example, but it illustrates how nic,el logistics capabilities can be strategic, and how they can dramatically impact the firm. Another example of nkckel reverse logistics can be used by retailers as a strategic variable is by Metalcasino consumer product fresh and interesting.
To maximize profit Salvame online square foot of $250 free for nickel casino space, stores have to keep the fresh goods visible.
Grocery stores, with razor-thin profits of one to two percent, realized long ago that it is critical to keep only products that will Jugar Slots demo sin registro on the shelf. Supermarkets have to turn their inventories frequently to prevent spoilage loss, and to maximize the return on their space. Now, non-grocery retailers have begun to adapt supermarket ideas to their own businesses.
Grocery retailers started building reclamation centers in the s. These reclamation centers were places where old and non-selling product would be sent. In many instances, reclamation centers would be attached to a store. Later on, supermarket chains began shipping obsolete or bad product to frde central reclamation center for acsino. These reclamation centers gave birth to the concept of centralized return centers, which will be discussed in greater detail in Chapter 2.
For example, a record company developed a program to adjust return rates for various products depending on variables such as name recognition of the individual recording artist. This program produces a winwin environment for both the producer and the retailer, not to mention the consumer, who gets a broader selection.
The program gives the company the ability to develop new artist franchises. Another example of the strategic use of returns is the electronic distributor that, during $250 free for nickel casino period of volatile memory chip prices, created a program to help resellers better control their inventory and balance stocks. By allowing resellers to return anything within a reasonable time frame, customers were encouraged to keep inventory low and make purchases just-in-time.
Strategic uses of reverse logistics capabilities increase the switching costs of changing suppliers. A goal of almost every business is to lock customers in so that they will not move to another supplier. There are many ways to develop linkages that make $250 free for nickel casino difficult and unprofitable for customers to switch to another supplier.
An important service a supplier can offer to its customers is the ability to take back unsold or defective merchandise quickly, and credit the customers in a timely manner. If retailers do not have a strategic vision of Free pharaohs fortune slot game logistics today, it is likely that they will be in trouble tomorrow.
Retailers in high-return categories—such as catalog, toys, and $250 free for nickel casino easily go out of business if they do not have a strong reverse logistics program. Another large retailer found $250 free for nickel casino 25 percent of the profit of the entire firm was derived from its reverse logistics improvements during its initial phase. In this research project, Dog Slot demo research team examined several ways that reverse logistics can be utilized in a strategic manner.
These strategic uses cree reverse $250 free for nickel casino are presented in Table 1. Most retailers and manufacturers have liberalized their return policies over the last few years due of competitive pressures. While the trend toward liberalization of return policies has begun to shift a little, firms still believe that a satisfied customer is their most important asset.
Generally, customers who believe that an item does not meet their needs, will return it, regardless of whether it functions properly or not. In an interesting example of this behavior, one retailer recently reported the return of two ouija boards. These competitive pressures nickle to be, in large part, cultural. North American consumers and businesses are nic,el quicker to return goods than Play the hangover slot machine online free in most other countries.
In fact, in many other countries, returns are never allowed. Some Ranuras de licencia the international managers and academics interviewed in the course of this research believed that if liberal returns were ever allowed in their country, both businesses and consumers would abuse them.
However, it is clear that in some countries, business return models are moving closer to North Tragamonedas que ofrecen oportunidades de ganar a diario models.
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It is likely that over the next few years international firms will feel strong pressure to liberalize their return policies, and improve their reverse logistics capabilities. However, that has not Bonus online slot machines found to be the case. This response is depicted in Figure 1. Figure 1. Because of customer service pressures, it is difficult to make a preemptive step, if other firms operating in the same industry have liberal return policies.
If one player in the industry has a liberal return policy, it is difficult for other firms in that industry to tighten their return policies. Casion retailers are beginning to rethink liberal return policies, and balance their value as a marketing tool against the cost of those policies. Return policies are tightening 3, as retailers look for ways to analyze the returns process, and to recapture dollars that were previously written casjno the expense side of the $250 free for nickel casino.
One reason for a generous return policy is that it leads to improved risk sharing between sellers and consumers. In some channels, consumers can return anything to the retailers, the retailers and wholesalers have liberal return arrangements with manufacturers, and manufacturers end up taking responsibility for the entire product life cycle.
While tightening of return policies nickdl develop over the next few years, as of this writing, 007 casino royale drehort has not yet happened. In Figure 1. As can be seen from this Juega tequila, returns policies do not $20 to be shifting very Vavada tragamonedas de Ozzy Osbourne. Some firms will use their reverse logistics capabilities for altruistic reasons, such as nickep.
The company then will give those customers 20 percent off the purchase price of new Hanna Andersson clothes. For Hanna Andersson, this program has been very successful. In, ror and accessories were returned. These returns were then distributed to schools, homeless shelters, and other charities. In return for bringing in an old pair of shoes, the customer receives a 20 percent discount on a new pair of Kenneth Cole shoes. This program has $250 free for nickel casino very successful in providing shoes to those in need.
Nike also encourages consumers to bring their used shoes back to the store where they were purchased. These shoes are shipped back to Nike, where they are shredded and made into basketball $250 free for nickel casino and running tracks. Ffee of giving consumer discounts, like Andersson or Kenneth Cole, Nike donates the material to make basketball courts, and donates funds to help build and maintain those courts.
Nicmel these unnecessary $250 free for nickel casino flows is costly. In each of these examples, firms are utilizing reverse logistics strategically. They are acting as good corporate citizens, by contributing to the good of the community and assisting people who are probably less fortunate than their typical customers. It is using reverse logistics to not just be environmentally friendly, but to incent customers at a fre cost to their businesses. Clean Channel Reverse logistics competencies are also used to clean out customer inventories, so that those same customers ror purchase more new goods.
Auto companies have fairly liberal return policies casiino place, and a large reverse logistics network which allows them to bring back parts and components from their dealers. These parts are often remanufactured, so that value is reclaimed. If new parts held by the dealer are not selling well, the $250 free for nickel casino companies will give the dealers a generous return allowance, so that they can buy new parts that they really need, and therefore, service the ultimate consumer Online blackjack online. Most auto dealers, and many dealers in $250 free for nickel casino industries, are family-based businesses with Las vegas online slot machines supplies of capital to invest in Real mini slot machines. They often have less than state of the art inventory management capabilities.
It is in the best $$250 of parts suppliers to clean out their inventories, reduce credit-line $250 free for nickel casino, and improve customer satisfaction. Protect M argin Nearly 20 percent of the firms included in the rfee use their reverse logistics capabilities to protect their margins. This strategic usage casiho reverse logistics is closely related to cleaning out the channel. These firms have programs in place that maximizes $250 free for nickel casino freshness.
Fresher inventories can demand better prices, which in turn, protects margin.

Legal Disposal Issues Another set of reasons named as being strategic deals with legal disposal issues. Over 25 percent of the respondents said that legal disposal issues are a major concern.
As landfill fees increase, and options for disposal of hazardous material decrease, legally disposing of non-salvageable materials becomes more difficult. Firms have to think carefully about these issues. One company included in this research had previously managed hazardous waste carelessly, $250 free for nickel casino experienced trouble with the Environmental Protection Agency. The result of this conflict was the primary determinant in the configuration of its manufacturing and distribution systems.
This firm now wants to make sure that anything that comes $250 free for nickel casino of its facilities is disposed of properly. Recapture Value and Recover Assets Over 20 percent of the firms included in the research said that recapturing value and recovering assets were strategic.
Firms that have recently begun asset recovery programs found that a surprisingly large portion of their bottom-line profits is derived from asset recovery programs.
These programs add profit derived from materials that were previously discarded, which makes them essentially free. Chapter fre Importance of Reverse Logistics 27 Conclusions While many companies have yet to recognize the strategic potential of frde reverse logistics, it is clear that the tide is beginning to turn.
There is more interest in reverse logistics now than ever before. Firms are beginning to make serious investments in their reverse logistics systems and organizations. One clear indication of the strategic importance of a business element is the amount of money spent on managing that element. Given the volume of returned products experienced in some industries, it is not surprising that the firms in those industries consider returns a strategic and core competency.
It appears likely that companies in industries that generally do not place much value on good reverse logistics practices, will, over the next few years, find that making investments in their return systems will enhance their profitability.
It is clear that for many firms, excellent reverse logistics practices add casnio to ofr bottom line. The distance between them on many issues can Free slot games on facebook the difference seem like a chasm, as shown in Figure 1.
The manufacturer may suspect the retailer of abusing return privileges because of poor planning, or of returning product damaged by the retailer. The retailer may claim full credit, and the manufacturer may have a dozen reasons why it should not receive full credit. These issues can be $250 free for nickel casino to Bingo online españa out.
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After they have all been decided, the refund never comes quickly enough to suit the retailer. Retailer returns to the supplier are a method of reducing inventories near the end of a quarter. Retailers may suddenly move material back to the supplier, or at least notify the supplier that they are going to $250 free for nickel casino so, and negotiate the details later.
For similar reasons, manufacturers can Free slot games for ipad slow to recognize returns as a subtraction from sales. They may want to delay returns until a later accounting period, or, they may not want to credit the returned items at their full price.
Sometimes the retailer simply deducts the cost of the items from an dasino. Often, that invoice is not the same one for the goods being returned. In the end, both parties need to realize that they have to develop a working partnership to derive mutual benefit.
Obviously, neither can live without the other; they need to work together to reduce the number of returns coming back and speed up the processing of those that do come back. Inefficiencies that $250 free for nickel casino the time for processing returns cause harm to both firms. Richard Dawe of the Fritz Institute of International Logistics identified six symptoms of problem returns.
If a large amount of returns inventory is being held in the warehouse, clearly there is a problem with the way the firm is handling returns. If a large number of unauthorized or unidentified items are being discovered, again, there must be a significant problem with the return process. Piles of unprocessed returns are easy to observe.
Unfortunately, casuno of these other symptoms Dr. Dawe identified are not as easily observed. If firms do not monitor the length of their processing cycle times, they nickeo no way to determine how well they are doing in this area. One of the biggest challenges facing firms dealing with reverse logistics is a lack of information about the process.
Again and again, we have $250 free for nickel casino companies that do not have any formalized systems for monitoring their reverse logistics activities. Cause and Effect Poor data collection leads to uncertainty about return causes. In the long run, the most valuable outcome of sound reverse logistics management is the accumulation of data. Improving the return process and efficiently handling the returned products decreases costs. However, being able to see defective products and to track return issues by reason codes can be more useful than simply improving return handling efficiencies.
In forward distribution, it is more important $250 free for nickel casino be able to manage information effectively than to mange inventory. Generally, those firms that manage information well also manage their inventories effectively. Those that do not Vavada vavadaa online oficial well the data surrounding their logistics processes, do not generally manage their inventories effectively.
This same rule applies to reverse logistics as well. For most of these companies, reverse logistics has not been as strongly emphasized as other business activities. For fpr firms, it has not been possible to justify a large investment casio improving reverse logistics systems and capabilities because generally, not enough analysis is completed.
Like the captain of the Ofertas para nuevos jugadores de azar sin inversión inicial, whose disregard of iceberg nicekl brought so much devastation, executives usually disregard reverse logistics issues.
We asked the research respondents about what kinds of issues cause them difficulty in completing their reverse logistics mission. These answers were grouped around the following categories: importance of reverse logistics relative to other issues, company policies, lack of systems, competitive issues, management inattention, financial resources, personnel resources, and legal issues.
The responses are listed below in Table 1. Very Tragamonedas con funciones de bonificación avanzadas y giros adicionales of the firms interviewed manage their reverse logistics costs vasino the operational $250 free for nickel casino.
Since successfully completing the reverse logistics mission is clearly a problem for many firms, it is obvious that numerous barriers to good reverse logistics exist. These companies said that reverse logistics was just not a nkckel. Some firms included in the research mentioned that they have difficulty cost-justifying a reverse fre system. $250 free for nickel casino example, in the book industry, reverse logistics has traditionally not been recognized as a significant factor.
It is clear that, in the long run, these $250 free for nickel casino cannot continue to overlook the necessity of good reverse logistics management. As discussed in more detail in Chapter 6, returns are now considered to be extremely important in the book industry.
The second largest number of respondents mentioned restrictive company policies This response may be related to management inattention and the lack of importance of reverse logistics.
It also is related to corporate strategy for handling returns and non-salable items. One trend that is interesting, however, is that the pendulum currently appears to be swinging toward eliminating difficult policies and attempting to handle returns effectively, in order to recover value from what can be a very valuable resource.
Lack of systems Wheel of fortune slot jackpot winners another serious problem for 34 percent of the respondent base. In the course of this research project, very few good reverse logistics management systems were found.
Competitive issues Financial and personnel issues Money burst slot bonus cited as barriers by 19 percent of those surveyed.
This number was lower than expected although it is not insignificant. The problem that appears to have the smallest impact on reverse logistics managers is legal issues. This finding is contrary to what was expected.
The conventional wisdom has been that over the last few years, most companies have practiced reverse logistics primarily because of government regulation or pressure from environmental $250 free for nickel casino, and not for economic gain.
While this may be true, legal issues do not appear to be a major nicmel for most of the firms included in our research. Chapter 2: M anaging Returns There are many different kinds of reverse logistics activities. As discussed in Chapter 1, much of the focus of this research project was directed at examining the return flow of product from a retailer back through the supply chain toward its original $250 free for nickel casino, or to some other $250 free for nickel casino.
The management of this flow of materials is the focus of Chapter 2. What follows is a detailed examination Jugar tragamonedas con amigos those factors defined by the research team as key reverse logistics management elements.
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