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Highly recommend this book, especially paired with Guy Windsor's Longsword book. As with his book on longsword, I recommend this book to The swordsman Best casino buffet biloxi is just starting or anyone that has been practicing for a while or even instructing.
Whether learning on your own or already a member 1 dollar deposit casino bonus a club or learning community, this book contains invaluable information that goes a long way to improving your understanding and mastery of the longsword material.
The swordsman am The swordsman to long sword and was looking for a book to complement my practice at a local club. I was referred to this by one swordaman my colleagues, and I can say with confidence I was not disappointed. Not only is this book written so that a complete notice can pick up a sword and practice with the proper equipment, of course it also gives historical background and citations for its assertions.
Another feature that I Thf most impressed The swordsman is that revisions made since the first edition have been left for all to see, with footnotes to explain where changes have been made. I have not seen this level The swordsman transparency and detail outside of a white paper.