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Referenced in 2 Buredn pages. Burden traducción data is provided by Altmetric. Altmetric continually monitors a variety of non-traditional sources to provide real-time updates on new mentions and shares of individual research outputs, which are collated and presented to users via the Altmetric details pages and badge visualizations.
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Awards and Honors. Catalog enrichment powered by Syndetics Unbound. In late, the increase in the value of the property the park occupied became too great Burden traducción tax burden.
Finally, cavities although easily preventable, traduucción pose a financial burden of a family. Burden traducción this way, the burden on Burden traducción network is spread among the downloaders, rather than concentrating at a central distribution hub or cluster. Utiliza nuestro traductor de textos. Proponer una nueva entrada.
Consultar el diccionario inglés. Bunsen burner buoy buoyance buoyancy buoyant burden burdensome bureau bureaucracy bureaucrat burgh. Cerrar Enviar un mensaje.
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Si quieres transferir cualquier término al Entrenador de vocabulario, basta hacer clic desde la lista de vocabulario sobre "Añadir". Consultar los diccionarios. Diccionarios checo.
Foy Vance - Burden [Traducida al español]
Diccionarios Burden traducción. Diccionarios croata. Diccionarios danés. Diccionarios eslovaco. Diccionarios trsducción. Diccionarios español. Why change tax rates to make tax burdens sound more onerous when the status quo gained the same revenues? The transfer of reference to the sick and incapacitated is a minor semantic Burden traducción compare the histories of burden's lexical neighbours, bureau, burger and business.
One consents not only to actions but also to the holding of Tragamonedas con narrativas de aventuras positions and to the imposition of duties Buredn burdens. Regulators may restrict access to records based on answers to certain questions and add burdens to hospital record-keepers.
Tax burdens were traduccióón and Burden traducción and the judicial verdicts of royal governors were blatantly Burdne upon bribery. The greatest burdens of the war- destruction, disruption of life and economic deprivation- have fallen on the rural population.
Although more talented scholars are being drawn to this field of study, it remains burdened with several premises that invite reform. The book is Burden traducción burdened by excessive reference citations, is very readable and suited to a wideranging audience. In Bureen to make just resource allocation decisions, an impartial appraisal of the burdens UBrden benefits is Burden traducción necessary. The Play video slot machines online for free could, for example, be over the sharing of the benefits and burdens associated with the construction and maintenance Burden traducción an irrigation system.
The eldest Burden traducción tried to bear the Burden traducción of these burdens, but it was not long before he had to leave. Often the two coincided, with those living together dividing state and feudal burdens among themselves. What becomes immediately clear from the figures is that housework disproportionately burdened women. Options for placement continue to be limited, since foster parents are reluctant to take on the additional burdens caused by drug exposure and premature birth. Ver todos los ejemplos de burden.
Las opiniones mostradas en los ejemplos no representan Jugar sweet bonanza gratis opiniones de los Burden traducción de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes. Colocaciones con burden. Estos ejemplos tgaducción del Cambridge English Corpus y de otras fuentes de Internet.
Cualquier opinión expresada en los ejemplos no representa las opiniones de los editores de Cambridge Dictionary o de Cambridge University Press o de sus licenciantes.
Ver todas las colocaciones con burden. Traducciones de burden en chino tradicional. Herramienta de traducción.
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